Wednesday Writerly Update #5

Well, hello!

It’s that day of the week again, the day where I fill you in on my minimal writing progress so that you can feel better about your own word count. And spoiler alert: I didn’t do much writing, but that’s okay because I *thought* about doing some writing, and intention is the first step to progress, right?


Anyways, I did a free write last week (Thursday? Friday? I don’t know). It was a 500 word scene, presumably some sort of speculative fiction. It has a distinct Middle Eastern edge that I like because I have a fascination with Middle Eastern culture at the moment, and it involves the desert and traveling gypsys. I kind of like it, but I don’t know what to make of it, and I don’t know if I like it because it’s incorporating Middle Eastern culture or if I *actually* think there may be a story there.

In any case, now that my NA Inception-meets-The-City-Trilogy WIP is in that weird limbo between completed self-edits and pre-publication shenanigans, I want to start focusing on other projects. I have the first draft of a YA  Horror novel I wrote over the winter, and the next step is going to be editing that one. I feel like it’s going to take a good bit of rewriting though. My intention was to write a classic horror novel with seances and Ouija boards and the like, but now I need to make sure I don’t fall into the trap of writing stereotypical horror.

Also, I have that YA contemporary WIP that sits at 15,000 words and has been since autumn. It’s completely different from anything I’ve ever done (it’s not spec. fiction at all; rather, a drama). I did a chapter-by-chapter outline the other day (which I rarely do) to see if direction would motivate me continue writing, but to be honest, I don’t feel all that motivated.

And lastly, for news pertaining to The Black Oracle:

  • The review tour is winding down, but there are still two stops on June 14th, so if you want to review The Black Oracle, now is the time! You can still review after the tour, of course.
  • The Black Oracle will now be sold at Forster’s Book Garden in Bolton, Ontario (an independent bookstore). Copies should be available shortly. Are you a bookstore owner? Contact me, and we’ll arrange some copies for your store!
  • Some cool promotions are headed your way soon! I have a few ideas in the works for promos over the summer months, so stay tuned.

I hope everyone had a good (and successful) writing week. Until next time!

8 responses to “Wednesday Writerly Update #5

  1. I maintain that thinking about writing is almost as good, and sometimes better, than actual writing 😉

    Your free write sounds interesting!

    Happy writing for the week to come 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, congratulations on getting your book stocked at a bookstore! That’s awesome!

    Best to work on the project you’re more motivated to write! Good luck. 🙂


  3. I’ve been doing quite a lot of thinking about writing lately too 😉 But hey, it’s better to get it straight in my head than to go through seven different edits in real life.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with Suzanne– thinking about writing is just as good as writing! And that new project sounds interesting. I hope you figure out what’s going on with it soon so you can write it if you want to! It’s so interesting to see the wide range of stories you’ve written or are working on– post-apocalyptic, fantasy, horror, contemporary. Quite a mix! Have a great day! I’m super enjoying The Black Oracle right now!


    • Yeah, I have pretty eclectic tastes. That’s why I like writing under the umbrella of “speculative fiction” so that I can write ALL of the genres 🙂 And I’m glad you’re liking it. Found a few errors in the first edition which kinda sucks, but working on fixing them now!


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